The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. Persons who wish to join the Legion must apply for membership in a Praesidium. (READ MORE)
Pictured left: Incoming Executive: 1 April 2019
Pres: Cheryl Power. ♦ VP: Lucienne Coppens. ♦ Sec: Jean Mulvihil.
Spiritual Director - Rev. Don Oberwarth (613-273-2112)
The Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organisation whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country.
As of 1st April 2019 the Mater Dei Curia of the Legion of Mary of the Archdiocese of Kingston have a new executive
Pictured right: Outoing Executive
Pres: Marguerite Newton ♦ VP: Theresa Miller ♦ Sec: Wilma Turcotte