We have begun our weekly Wednesday 7:00 pm spiritual reflections in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. I look forward to our time together.
This coming year between Advent and September, I propose to reflect with you on the Beatitudes of St. Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 5 as well as a series of Psalms of the Old Testament which we pray each day at Mass. As usual we will also give time to the liturgical celebrations of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter as we pass through the year. (Click to read more)
We have begun our weekly Wednesday 7:00 pm spiritual reflections in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. I look forward to our time together.
This coming year between Advent and September, I propose to reflect with you on the Beatitudes of St. Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 5 as well as a series of Psalms of the Old Testament which we pray each day at Mass. As usual we will also give time to the liturgical celebrations of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter as we pass through the year. (Click to read more)
We have begun our weekly Wednesday 7:00 pm spiritual reflections in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. I look forward to our time together.
This coming year between Advent and September, I propose to reflect with you on the Beatitudes of St. Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 5 as well as a series of Psalms of the Old Testament which we pray each day at Mass. As usual we will also give time to the liturgical celebrations of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter as we pass through the year. (Click to read more)
We have begun our weekly Wednesday 7:00 pm spiritual reflections in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. I look forward to our time together.
This coming year between Advent and September, I propose to reflect with you on the Beatitudes of St. Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 5 as well as a series of Psalms of the Old Testament which we pray each day at Mass. As usual we will also give time to the liturgical celebrations of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter as we pass through the year. (Click to read more)
We have begun our weekly Wednesday 7:00 pm spiritual reflections in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. I look forward to our time together.
This coming year between Advent and September, I propose to reflect with you on the Beatitudes of St. Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 5 as well as a series of Psalms of the Old Testament which we pray each day at Mass. As usual we will also give time to the liturgical celebrations of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter as we pass through the year. (Click to read more)